nutricion abril 2018
When the cold starts to make itself felt, there is nothing better than fighting it with comforting soups.

The word soup “soup" in English -"soup” in French or “soup”in Italian- comes from the West Germanic term “soup”, which referred to a slice of bread over which broth was poured.

It was then latinized into “suppa”, around 500 AD, retaining its original meaning. In the Middle Ages it came to define both pieces of bread that were cut to soak in a broth and the broth or liquid itself was thickened with bread.

Today, after a long evolution, this is a staple food in all diets, presenting varied and exquisite recipes to suit the taste of all consumers.

As a result of factors such as the economic crisis and globalization, which produce constant changes in the way of life, people have less and less time to attend to their own needs and those of their families; therefore, they are forced to reduce the time it takes to prepare their own food. This is why the concept of fast food has become popular, and dehydrated soups are part of this type of food due to their easy preparation and high yield.

When the cold starts to take hold, there is nothing better than fighting it with comforting soups. Their high water content helps hydrate our body.

Today we have a wide range of options on the market to make soups with already chopped vegetables and ready-to-boil mixes, or also frozen ones, which allows us to always have them at home, giving us the possibility of preparing them in less time.



Gianella Pedemonte
Bachelor of Nutrition

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