Passed exams
+ 0 %
Students applied in the last 4 years
+ 0
Graduated students with advanced level
+ 0 %
Passed exams
+ 0 %
Students applied in the last 4 years
+ 0
Graduated students with advanced level
+ 0 %

English in the Seminario

The main objective of the English Department is to ensure and continue to develop the learning of English at the School, with a commitment to excellence. The creation of this Department is also evidence of the institution's vision and capacity for change to adapt to the academic demands that our students face today and will continue to face in the future.

The main function of this Department is to coordinate the learning of English – and through English – in all years of teaching at Colegio Seminario, paying special attention to the links and connections between the different sectors to ensure continuity in the language learning experience for students. It is also responsible – together with the Academic Department – for the recruitment, professional development and evaluation of the English teachers who work at this school.

The members of this Board meet periodically to work collaboratively and discuss the main issues that concern the institution in this area. At the same time, the Board and its members work closely with the Academic Director of the College, the representatives of the different Departments (academic and non-academic), as well as with the Directors of the different sectors, coordinating programs and activities, supporting teachers and making decisions on the best measures to adopt.

It is also the duty of the Directorate to build bridges with other Jesuit institutions to promote different exchange programs for students and teachers that lead to an enrichment of the learning experience, going even beyond the College or our country.

How English is integrated into academics in each cycle


English in Early Childhood facilitates the rapid development of reading in the foreign language in children of this age.

Mainly through the study of English phonemes, rhymes and songs, it allows children to quickly advance in their discovery of words and short texts.

In order to create opportunities in which this language is a tool that helps them discover other content in addition to the study of the language itself, subjects in English have been incorporated so that students can work integrating different linguistic skills and content in this language.


The proposal of the Department of English in Primary Education aims to familiarize students with this foreign language and to consolidate its use as a tool through which a series of contents and knowledge can be accessed.

In order to create opportunities where this language is a tool to help them discover other content besides the study of the language itself, a series of subjects in English have been incorporated. In the Music, Drama, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences classes, students work by integrating different linguistic skills and content. 

Reading is also emphasized. This allows us to improve our perspective of the language, increase our vocabulary and obtain ideas that can then be incorporated into the writings we must do, in addition to being a source of entertainment and pleasure. To this end, students have access to borrowing at least four books of different genres each year.

Throughout the last year, Form 6, students prepare and receive the PET certification (Preliminary English Test – University of Cambridge), once the exam has been passed.

Basic Cycle

The main objective of the school regarding its English offering in the basic cycle is for our students to acquire a second language at an advanced level. It is important to prepare our students for both the academic and the working world. Examinations are offered University of Cambridge to certify at an international level that each student has the level that the School claims to have achieved. Basic Cycle students have the opportunity to receive instruction in English from level B1 to B2, according to the Common European Framework, corresponding to the “intermediate” level.

Upper school

The main objective of the School regarding its English proposal in Baccalaureate is that our students acquire a second language at an advanced level. We aim for students to graduate from the School bilingual, with a command of the language that allows them to use it as a tool to acquire other knowledge. It is important to prepare our students for both the academic and the working world. Examinations are offered University of Cambridge to certify at an international level that each student has the level that the College claims to have achieved. Baccalaureate students have the opportunity to receive instruction in English from level B1, according to the Common European Framework, corresponding to the “intermediate” level, to the most advanced C2, corresponding to a command close to that of a native speaker of the language. According to this scale of levels, students have the opportunity to take different Cambridge University exams and graduate with FCE, CAE and CPE certificates.

International exchanges

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