What is Horneros?
Horneros is one of the “Pastoral de Profundización” movements, which seeks, together with the entire academic and pastoral proposal, “to train men and women for others.”
From a countercultural approach to voluntary service, this movement seeks to bring adolescents closer to different realities, raise their awareness of them and encourage them to do solidarity work.
We will try to delve deeper into the growth of students as people and in their process of Faith, from a different scope than the curricular one, but supporting and relying on it within the framework of Ignatian spirituality.
The advisory team, the Coordinators of the Baquianos and the Baquianos (Ignatian volunteers) are responsible for carrying out the Movement. All of them must be witnesses and guides in the process of the students. They will work as a team with the other members of the pastoral and educational community, delving deeper into the mission to which they have been called: “to spread the love of God.”
It is through the participation of the children in the activities of the Movement (services, Cottolengos, campaigns) that they “nest hope”; transmitting sacrifice and dedication to the needy, they give a home to the hope that another world is possible.

The pillars and objectives of Horneros
By living FAITH in a COMMUNITY manner and through SERVICE, Horneros will invite students to concrete experiences of approaching and encountering the person of Jesus.
- Evangelize through education. They will seek the integral development of the person, with an emphasis on the spiritual, ecclesial and service dimensions, especially for those most in need.
- Promote an approach, not merely intellectual, to different realities, fostering awareness and, through work, training people willing to give a positive and concrete response to these realities of suffering.
- To foster internal, close knowledge and a personal relationship with Jesus, awakening the desire to follow him.
Develop the capacity and desire for personal and community prayer as a privileged mode of communication with God. - Invite young people to participate in a way that develops a sense of community and a lifestyle.
Activities and retreats

Labor camp

Retreat to Floresta

Camp "The Promise"
