Snack is the meal time that corresponds to the interval between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner.
This ensures that blood glucose levels are maintained and prevents the body's own reserves from being consumed.
That is why breakfast should be 20% of your daily caloric intake.
Daily calorie intake should be as follows:
- Breakfast: 20 % of caloric value.
- Snack: 5 % of the caloric value.
- Lunch: 40 % of caloric value.
- Snack: 10% of caloric value.
- Dinner: 25 % of caloric value.
In children between the ages of 4 and 5, the digestive system is still fully maturing and developing.
Approximate caloric requirement 1200 to 1400 kcal
- Moderation; quantities should not be excessive to avoid excess calories and to avoid suppressing hunger at lunch and/or dinner time.
- Digestion; avoid interfering with the digestion process of the lunch meal.
What do we mean by a good snack?
We must include dairy products and derivatives, fruits and cereals.
It is advisable to moderate the consumption of foods that are excessively high in calories or rich in saturated fats and refined sugars, which can cause obesity if consumed in excess.
Good nutrition is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for our children. During the years before they start school, they should be eating the same foods as the rest of the family.
Our role as parents is to offer foods with nutritional value, in a calm environment and at regular times.
Gianella Pedemonte
Bachelor of Nutrition