Being an alumnus of Colegio Seminario
It is not about going through the College, but about the College going through you.
We try to maintain an active link with those who graduated from the College. From the classic generational reunions, at 15, 25 and 50 years of age, to various instances in which our former students give lectures at the College, offer vocational testimonies, make speeches recounting their professional experiences and, of course, give their time through youth volunteer services, or as adults.
They are opportunities for all of us who were formed under Ignatian spirituality to meet, as Fr. Arrupe SJ said: “In the end, what is the bond that unites us? Simply the fact of having been educated by the Society of Jesus and the spirit that it has infused in you.”
Write to us at: [email protected]
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Reunion of former students of Gens. 93 and 94

Guest alumni

Gen. 74 alumni reunion

Alumni Volunteering


Alumni reunion Gen. 2008
Did you know that...?
Here you start the process
Request for schooling, passes, certificate of Oath of Allegiance.
Reunions in 2024
Gen 76
50 years! – July 31
Gen 2009
15 years – September 12 NEW DATE
Gen 1997
25 years – November 15
What generation do I belong to?
I graduated from the Seminary until 1999
For graduates up to and including 1997, the year of generation is the one corresponding to 4th year of high school at the time of enrollment.
I graduated from the Seminary from 2000 onwards
For graduates from 2000 onwards, the year of generation is the one corresponding to 6th year of high school at the time of enrollment.
Activities for alumni

Club Seminario
The Seminary Club is a sports and social club that brings together people linked to the Jesuits in Uruguay, who aim to bring Ignatian spirituality to every sport. It offers a space to practice sports and develop cultural and social activities to contribute to strengthening Christian values for the formation of spiritually and physically healthy and strong people.

Sing Seminar
It seeks to promote vocal and artistic musical development, as well as to provide a meeting space for members of the educational community of Colegio Seminario.
Seminario canta has two spaces: Choir and Workshop. Both are open to the public, and invite more than forty singers to a proposal of musical growth and exploration.

Sacraments for adults
A wonderful opportunity to prepare the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation at school with other members of the educational community.
If you are interested in the proposal, write to [email protected]

Training in Manresa
Inspired by Ignatian spirituality, we promote the growth of the inner life through Spiritual Exercises, Retreats, Workshops, etc.

The Christian Life Community is an international association of faithful Christians – men and women, adults and young people – who wish to follow Jesus Christ more closely and work with Him in building the Kingdom.
Its members are part of small groups that are part of larger communities at regional and national level, constituting ONE Global Community that is present on five continents and in more than 60 countries.
Volunteering and ways to collaborate

Faith and joy
It is a movement for education and social promotion. It promotes quality comprehensive education for those who live in situations of greater vulnerability and social exclusion. It makes a proposal for social transformation in close dialogue with the community. It is a work of the Society of Jesus and is part of the International Federation of Fe y Alegría.

Jesuit Migrant Service
Its mission is to promote and protect the dignity and rights of migrants from Argentina and Uruguay. Migration reveals injustices, but at the same time, migration allows us to glimpse a new society. A society in which borders are overcome, in which differences are recognized and reconciled, in which universal citizenship takes shape.

Home of Christ
The association seeks to welcome the poorest with love and dignity, announcing the Good News, becoming aware with them of our dignity as children of God and as citizens, with rights and responsibilities. To call upon and involve the community in promoting a culture of respect, justice, solidarity and integration, all animated by the spirituality of Saint Alberto Hurtado.
About the Library
Our library “P. Juan Alberto Sancho, SJ” has a long history. Its beginnings date back to 1880. In its more than 140 years of existence, it has served as support to priests, teachers and students who have been part of the institution throughout their lives.
We constantly update our catalogue to continue growing and enriching the training of our students.
Latest income:

Batllism and economic liberalism From the defeat of list 15 to the rise of Jorge Batlle

Lions and Lambs A Personal History of Economic Thought

The spirit of hope

Social knowledge in the initial cycle

Education in virtual environments Conceptual contributions for the design of teaching situations and the development of learning

Teaching, diversity and contexts: ideas and projects for transformative gardens

Reading and writing in science Proposals for teaching

Art and technology in school: ideas and projects for early childhood and primary education

Concepts in science Proposals for teaching them

Assessment and concepts in science An opportunity to continue learning
A little bit of Library History:
The material we present is based on Julia Demasi's final degree project, entitled The Seminario College Library.