Inclusion in the Seminar
Based on work groups and lived experiences of teachers and students, and driven by families, by the Society of Jesus and to improve the Cura Personalis, we understood that we had to rethink our policies and practices to be able to support our students according to their different learning needs (cognitive, affective-social and spiritual) and the educational community to promote inclusion.
We recognize in the diversity of the students a richness and the value of God's Creation. Thus, taking into account the signs of the times and the new paradigms on inclusion - which postulate the participation of all people, with or without disabilities, in education as a human right - we reaffirm our responsibility to educate men and women for others and with others (P. Kolvenbach). The commitment to an education based on academic and human excellence, as well as giving the Magis, continues to be the desire and project for each of our students; no longer with a standard measure, but according to the potential and talents of each one.

How do we work on inclusion?
There is no absolute and simple transformation; the path to becoming an inclusive institution is constantly renewed in creative fidelity to the gospel. To this end, the Inclusion Office works with the different departments of the School to take care of the lines of work in inclusive policies, as well as with the sector directors, with the tutors and with the Department of Psychology to support the students who require it through the Individual Educational Proposal (PEI).
We also have the mission of continuing to promote the training of the educational community, which is why we provide training opportunities for teaching and non-teaching staff and for families, with the support of organizations and professionals who are renowned in the field of inclusive education. In addition, the first Inclusive Education meetings between educational centers in Montevideo have been held at the School in order to strengthen ties, share our experience and promote quality education for all.
We are building an educational community in which we all belong and in which everyone can give their best. We welcome each family and student, hoping that together we can work to accompany, with joy and commitment, the growth of each one.
We are available via email: [email protected]
The team
The Office team is made up of a coordination group, pedagogical support professionals (specialized teachers) and therapeutic professionals, and individual companions who, in coordination with the institutional actors mentioned above, think about adjustments to the objectives and educational strategies for students through personalized monitoring of their educational path, always seeking agreement and collaborative work between the family and the School.
Department of Psychology and Counseling
The Inclusion Office works with the various departments of the College, especially with the Psychology team, to maintain the lines of work in inclusive policies.