Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Energy saving, pollution reduction, saving raw materials,
reduction of waste volume, preservation of natural resources.
It was the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) who declared May 17 as the International Recycling Day (World Recycling Day).
The initiative was born to raise awareness about the importance of this work, and also to promote its incorporation into our daily lives as an everyday task, as well as an ecological one.
One of the first things to do to start activating our “recycling” attitude is to adhere to the Rule of the 3 R's: “Always think about reducing, reusing, and recycling.”
For example:
Reduce: the water consumption when we brush our teeth, when we shower, or when we wash the kitchen.
Re-use: waste from the food we consume; for example, vegetable peels, egg shells, coffee, tea and yerba mate, among others. It can be done compost to fertilize our plants, thus reducing the volume of garbage.
Recycle: The most common thing is to recycle the paper and cardboard we use, but also many of the plastic containers.
Gianella Pedemonte
Bachelor of Nutrition