…every week we have a cell renewal, that's why
Nutrition is so important for [the intestine] to work properly.


  • The AVOCADOS They are loaded with healthy fats that are good for our hearts.
  • A handful of DRIED FRUITS It is the amount needed to replenish the energy expended after physical activity.
  • The consumption of PEAR prevents constipation and helps prevent osteoporosis.
  • He CUCUMBER It helps eliminate toxins from our body; it can also be used externally for sunburns.
  • He PINEAPPLE It has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, which is why it is recommended to include it in the first meal of the day.
  • The LENTILS They help prevent anemia, combat fluid retention and help the nervous system function properly.
  • The PEACHES They reduce anxiety, prevent kidney disease and improve intestinal transit.
  • The BANANA It helps maintain blood pressure, replenishes energy, and also quickly provides potassium to the muscles.
  • The APPLES They have anti-inflammatory properties of the respiratory tract, as well as being astringent, and usually help teeth look whiter.
  • The tea of TURMERIC AND CINNAMON It is effective in reducing nasal mucus and strengthens immunity.
  • The cells of the small intestine live between 3 to 5 days; this means that we have a cell renewal every week, which is why nutrition is so important for it to work properly.

Gianella Pedemonte
Bachelor of Nutrition

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