“Teenagers” Campaign – UNICEF

  "...it seeks to provide guidance on issues such as social media, friendships at this stage, how to set limits, managing privacy and intimacy, and why adolescents are at risk." Within the framework of the return to face-to-face classes, and of (...)

10, 9, 8, 7, 6…

  "The establishment of the new normal for social coexistence has given us various lessons that we have managed to know, assimilate and transfer to our collective reality, both at the intra-family and institutional level." 10, 9, 8, 7, 6,… The countdown has started (...)

Why move?

  «Movement is an essential means of communication and one of the first ways that children find to express their feelings and thoughts.» In the first years of life, children learn mainly through movement. It is (...)


  "When attempts to fall asleep fail, adrenaline secretion increases, and children enter a state of increasing anxiety, which causes those trying to fall asleep to remain awake." (Ceberio, 2020) (...)

Coexistence 24/7

  “Closeness and necessary distance, understanding and firm limits, help and autonomy; all of these will be balances that each family will have to find.” We are finishing the third week since classes were suspended, and the insistence is getting stronger (...)

Homeschooling: decision or obligation?

  “It is time to sit down together and continue to promote the autonomy of children and adolescents through the example that will allow the atmosphere at home to become increasingly easier to bear.” The challenge of finding the goal together (...)

Shall we face the challenge together?

  “So it's good that we all put on the table how this situation makes us feel, ask the kids how they feel about what's happening, and validate their emotions.” During the weekend the flow of (...)

Empathetic mothers and fathers

  “Put yourself in the child's shoes, enter into his child's mind and try to think how he feels. How would you feel if you were in his place.” Álvaro Bilbao What is empathy? We can define empathy in a simple way as the (...)

Looking for our Siberian tiger

  “The invitation is now to be able to talk from home with your children about vocational decisions, about what moves them, what they were passionate about before and now maybe not (or maybe not), about the path that is not linear, about learning to (...)

Shall we take a break?

  “(…) to generate a space-time in which the individual meets his body and opens himself to listening to what happens in it, opens himself to feeling the emotions and responses of the body.” In today's times (...)

Studying in times of Copa America

     If we were to think about what tasks a football coach must carry out and when, we could better understand the different instances that have been identified in research on self-regulation of learning. (...)

Why is it important for children to play?

   «The proper function of play is play itself. It happens that the skills it exercises are the same ones that are used for study and for serious adult activities…» Roger Caillois, “Theory of games”. When we see the (...)

Children and screens

  "The first important step to take is to maintain a fluid dialogue with children. Because dialogue prevents them from being exposed to risky situations." Given the recent viralization of material with violent and sinister content on children's platforms, since (...)

Why go back to school?

  «School allows us to carry out meaningful work and thus, to strengthen our identity. It is the possibility of giving something of ourselves to the world.« We know that the beginning of the school year is usually a time when we (...)

Finally and happily: Holidays!

  «And above all activities and ideas, the most important thing is that during the holidays there are moments of family gatherings. Whether in Montevideo or in the most paradisiacal destination, what children need most is time together (...)

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