Computer Science

Computer Science

Computer Science

The Computer Science area is developed from Kindergarten to Baccalaureate through various learning scenarios and workshops, both disciplinary and interdisciplinary. Our goal is to promote in our students a responsible, autonomous and critical use of technology. We aim to integrate various digital tools into the learning processes to enhance innovation, critical thinking, problem solving and communication. We aspire to develop in our students the necessary skills to function in today's world within the framework of the characteristics and features defined in our Modelo de Persona.

From the use of active methodologies such as Project-based learning, Learning by doing and Design Thinking The aim is to promote creativity, knowledge integration, self-management of learning, collaborative work, metacognition, peer assessment and self-assessment. The following three central axes are addressed in the educational proposal of the department: digital citizenship, computational thinking and digital autonomy.

Work with us

Send your CV to:
[email protected]


For inquiries, please write to:
[email protected]

For building inquiries, please write to:
[email protected]

Booking spaces

Write to us at:
[email protected]