October 16th
New participation of the School. 5th year of Primary.
“Our actions are our future”
Zero hunger by 2030
As every year, the School participated in the creation of the poster for World Food Day, under the motto of 2019. We worked together with the Art teacher, emphasizing the importance of making the right decisions for good nutrition and how this affects our health and the planet in the long term.
The resulting works were sent to FAO, where a jury of Uruguayan visual artists chose those that would represent our country at FAO Italy. Here we share the selected drawings.
Visit to the institutional fair
On October 16th, we attended the MAM institutional fair with the 5th year generation of the School for the World Food Day celebrations.
During the day, the children had the opportunity to cook in the “Cocina Uruguay” classroom, where they participated in the preparation of the dishes. Below we share a recipe made by them.
They also participated - together with the Faculty of Agronomy - with fun games, where they were taught how to plant, from tools to soil. At the same time, with SINAE they learned how to handle risky situations, such as fires or floods. With the Cardiovascular Society they played games with relays, representing fruits and vegetables, learned how to make hydroponic gardens and received information about dairy products provided by the fair, in addition to trying many delicious, tasty and homemade things.
Gianella Pedemonte
Bachelor of Nutrition