nutricion set 2017
Conscious eating | Physical activity | Good rest | Positive relationships | Mental health

To have a conscious diet we have to know some aspects of certain foods that can be harmful to our health, such as:


It is not only the salt added at the time of cooking or eating, but also the salt contained in already processed foods; or the so-called hidden salt, which is more dangerous because it is more difficult to quantify.

That is why it is advisable to use aromatic herbs and condiments when cooking to enhance the flavor of food.


These products are ready to eat, or require very little time to cook, such as nuggets, hamburgers and mashed potatoes, among others. Although they are an option that we find in these modern times in the market, we must be aware of the negative impact they have; and if we use them, we must measure them in order to have a weekly balance.


Trans fats are linked to an increase in bad LDL cholesterol; this tends to lower good HDL cholesterol, and affects the walls of the arteries, creating a more favorable environment for the development of cardiovascular diseases. They are found mainly in pre-fried foods. On the other hand, saturated fats are found in foods of animal origin –whole dairy products and their derivatives, cold cuts and sausages– and cakes, among others.


Many packaged products contain it, mainly in baked goods under the name of sugar, or it can be molasses, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose or glucose. Excessive consumption of products containing it leads to a greater predisposition to being overweight and the likelihood of having cardiovascular diseases.


Plato saludable

Consumption can cause weight gain, as they are empty calories; therefore, if you do not consume them, do not start; and if you do, try to reduce your consumption.


Whole grain or high-fiber cereals
Vegetables of all colors as well as fruits
Lean cuts of meat
Dairy products and skimmed derivatives
Raw oils as a salad dressing


Web: Honorary Commission for Cardiovascular Health  

Gianella Pedemonte
Bachelor of Nutrition


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