World Recycling Day

nutricion mayo 2019
May 17th
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
«This day reminds us that excess waste
It is a danger to our health.

May 17 is World Recycling Day, which aims to raise awareness in society about the importance of treating waste properly, so as not to contribute to climate change and thus protect the environment.

The word “recycling” is understood as the process by which a material or product already used, initially destined for waste, is subjected to treatment to obtain a raw material or a new product.

In other words, waste is reintroduced into the life cycle, allowing us to make better use of natural resources, reduce the environmental impact of our consumption habits and come up with creative ways to redesign our objects and give them a new life.

Waste handling and separation.

  • Container blue – Paper and cardboard.
  • Igloo green - Glass.
  • Container yellow – Lightweight plastic and metal packaging and Tetra Bricks.
  • Container brown – Organic matter.
  • Container green either grey – Generic.
  • Clean points
  • Others: CD's, medicines, tires…

There are many recycling possibilities and they are necessary for the environment. This day reminds us that excess waste is a danger to our health. So, now you know, get going and RECYCLE!!


Gianella Pedemonte
Bachelor of Nutrition


See related article (2018)


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