


We consider Art in education as an important factor in the process of evolutionary, sensitive and intellectual development of the student. Art creates individuals with an open, progressive attitude, capable of thinking for themselves and with a critical spirit.

When art is taught in the classroom, creativity, expression and the development of aesthetic appreciation begin to be worked on, elements that manage to integrate the student's personality. Our students, from the initial stage, find a way to communicate and express themselves through their thoughts, their feelings and their own achievements in production.

We understand the education for Art as an opportunity that is offered to all students, without impositions, since fundamentally, and outside of cases of defined vocations, its mission in the School is to generate the conditions for it to be part of their entire life. Teaching Art is to teach aesthetic literacy. It is to develop the aesthetic-expressive competence with time, patience and systematic work, integrating concepts, tasks and attitudes that allow producing and understanding aesthetic messages from different artistic languages, as a way of enabling a more comprehensive development.

For the artistic experience at certain levels, the School has used the Montserrat Building, a large, modern and bright space, with a large landscaped hyperclassroom, classrooms, a Media-Lab laboratory, and an underground theatre in the form of a circular stage.

Work with us

Send your CV to:
[email protected]


For inquiries, please write to:
[email protected]

For building inquiries, please write to:
[email protected]

Booking spaces

Write to us at:
[email protected]